Hot on Hapioca Scuba diving/snorkeling
- 1. Playa Del Amante (Lover...
- Categories: ...
- Baja California Sur Mexico
- 2. Sebastian Inlet State P...
- Categories: ...
- 3. Playa Chileno (Chileno ...
- Categories: ...
- Baja California Sur Mexico
- 4. La Jolla Cove
- Categories: ...
Recent Reviews
- 1. La Jolla Cove
- Categories: ...
- La Jolla, CA USA

"La Jolla Cove is not only a haven for seals and their pups, it's a natural underwater park.
- 2. Sebastian Inlet Stat...
- Categories: ...
- Melbourne Beach, FL USA

"While on vacation in Vero Beach, my boyfriend and I were looking for a place to hang out by the beac..."
- 3. Playa Del Amante (Lo...
- Categories: ...
- Cabo San Lucas, Baja Cali...

"Lover's Beach is a must see if you are in Cabo, but to get to this hidden cove you'll need to hire a..."
- 4. Playa Chileno (Chile...
- Categories: ...
- Cabo San Lucas, Baja Cali...

"Playa Chileno is easily accessible from Hwy #1, southwest of Hotel Cabo San Lucas. Look for the dive..."