
About Me

I am extraordinarily average. I'm known for playing tag in water fountains and sometimes washing darks and lights together. I live on the edge and I dance to 80's music. Tracks 4 and 13 are usually my favorites on any given cd. I lay around in my underwear with chocolate milk-stained poetry, crumpled drawings, and a half eaten bowl of cheerios. I'll drive you mad but only in the most interesting ways. i am slowly venturing into the real world...i recently relocated to San Francisco with the love of my life after graduating with my MSW in December. i want to change the world. i want to impact your life. and here is the deepest secret nobody knows (here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud and the sky of the sky of a tree called life; which grows higher than the soul can hope or mind can hide) and this is the wonder that's keeping the stars apart i carry your heart (i carry it in my heart)


pumping iron, biking, summer concerts, camping, snowboarding, kayaking, traveling the world, movies in the park, photography, swimming, hiking, the ocean, running, loving life, snowshoeing

Places I'd Like to See

Chile, Kenya, Hawaii, Ethiopia, Argentina, Costa Rica, Fiji, Jamaica, Alaska, Grand Caymon, Venezuela, Australia, New Zealand

On My "50 Things To Do" List

hike through the Grand Canyon, zipline through the Costa Rican rainforest, run a marathon

My Fav Places

Cabo San Lucas

My Living Green Tips

walk. ride bike. use mass transit. use a water filter. buy local. eat seasonal & organic. eat less meat.

My Fav Organizations

Compassion International, Ronald McDonald House, Doctors without Borders

On My Playlist

bon iver, donavon frankenreiter, the arcade fire, jack johnson, mgmt, sigur ros, m.i.a.

Good Books

good in bed, a walk in the woods, three cups of tea, eat pray love

My Fav Movies

amelie, the notebook, knocked up, sahara, just friends, a lot like love, hitch, sweet home alabama, ray, crash, juno!


"you must be the change you wish to see in the world"


San Francisco, CA

in a relationship

Friends, Networking, Activity Partners

social worker

Whitehall High SchoolSaint Louis UniversityUniversity of Wisconsin-Superior

Ashleigh's Friends

Message Board

So, when are we going snowboarding again?
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